So, who runs this site? is run by Dovid Leib Silberstein, a member of Montreal’s Lubavitch community. Dovid Leib is the owner of Rodals, a retail judaica store in Montreal with a large clientele of Canadian Shluchim. As the wholesale department of Rodals grew, we decided to incorporate it as a new company with a focus on basic staple Judaica items called Rodals Wholesale. JudaicaForShluchim is a brand of Rodals Wholesale with an emphasis on tefillin and mezuzos.
Oh, so you guys are in Canada… Is that gonna cost me extra shipping?
Nope. Shipping is free in North America and a flat rate of only $25 USD to Europe!
What else do you service shluchim with?
We ship Lulavim & Esroigim to shluchim across the United States and Canada.